Loredana Antohi – First Bank

First Bank

Loredana Antohi
Sr. Advertising Coordinator

I admit that before starting the Rebranding project, I did not know who Dochita Zenoveiov or the INOVEO team was.

But I became curious … besides a name that is not a common one, I wondered: “What is INOVEO?” And I found out! Not asking questions or looking for articles about them, but from practice. Because practice kills us. Literally! Therefore, in a short time, we had to convey a complex brief for Dochita, which in time became even more complex.

Because I’ve learned that apart from ID Manual, there is so much branding material that you need in a Rebranding process: branch panels, walkways, luminous boxes, totems, materials for the various events we’ve been attending with new logo (visual stand, roll-up banners, spiders, leaflets, promotional materials) etc.

It was an alert period, hard work, briefings and overnight presentations. We appreciated the professionalism of the entire INOVEO team, the promptness and especially the understanding they showed. Nevertheless, I do not think we have finished a quarter of our projects so far …

And what I mostly appreciated was that although the project had ended after the contractual period when I phoned Dochita and told her that in practice we had a problem and that their examples could help us in the future, she did not say no. On the contrary! She set up a meeting where all the people involved in the project were present, we debated the issues and added the examples in the ID Manual. Although I point out: the project had ended for some time!

So it’s great to know that you can always rely on a collaborator!

I recommend INOVEO to any company that is going to be in a Rebranding process and not only, and for this project, I will call it INOVEto (Veto for Innovation)!