Loved Romanian brands

Seed Consultants put on the map the most beloved Romanian brands


Map of Romanian Brands maps the most beloved brands in the country. For a month, the Romanians were able to nominate, in the first instance, and then vote for the most beloved brands in their area. Depending on tradition and local specificity, the nine regions have chosen their favorite Romanian brands.

Romanians are great wine lovers

Three regions in Romania have supported a wine brand as the most beloved Romanian regional brand: Cramas Recaş in Banat, Murfatlar in Dobrogea and Cotnari in Moldova. Corcova wines are among the most beloved brands in Oltenia, ranked fifth. Of the Romanian beers, only Timisoreana and Ursus managed to reach the finalists.

On the other hand, in Bucovina, the most beloved Romanian brand is water: Bucovina, closely followed by Dorna. From the same category, Lipova Mineral Water is in the top 5 in Crişana.

Romanian brands in FMCG seem to be highly appreciated by Romanians, Bizo bakery products have been voted as the most beloved brand in Maramures, Luna Solai oils in Transylvania, and Râureni in Oltenia. The Romanian traditions are definitely delighted in Crisana, as are the stories of BaceToghiere. And Dacia, the brand that bears the historical name of the region it comes from, remains the most beloved Romanian brand in Muntenia.

We can not say about the Romanians that they do not love their country, tourist brands such as the Danube Delta or The Merry Cemetery in Săpânţa have also been among the finalists. You can see below the top 5 Romanian brands for each region.

“Good Europeans” aims to increase trust and motivation for the entrepreneurial involvement of those who have valuable ideas that can turn into successful projects. “European good Romanians” aims to bring the Romanians recognition of the status of Europeans. Through people and deeds.

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