The story begins two months ago, when I began to feel how my life is in an ever-increasing imbalance. I had not worked for over a year and felt the need to do something …
So I did not have much thought and I began searching, to find a solution to make a change.
That’s how I found an INOVEO announcement on February, and I applied to it without thinking. I needed something to take care of my time, to feel that I could add value somewhere, to someone.
After a short period of time I was called, they called me over to their office to talk and afterwards we got to know each other so well that I was welcomed in this team with whom I spend almost every day since then (sometimes more time than at home). It is great to know that every day you go to work and don’t feel obligated, that you can do it according to the workload, that you can take a break to get out on the roof for a few minutes of relaxation when you want and feel the need or when you want something sweet and you have to choose from the many snacks in the kitchen (not to forget the coffee and Gin on Friday). ????????????
And to get back from where we left, as the title of this article says, arriving at INOVEO for me was and is a new Bright Beginning, a change in my life that I really needed. Both to feel that I can bring value somewhere and to make myself more responsible. ????
Author: Adrian Stalinescu