

Iulia Farauanu

Marketing & Ecommerce

We represent a family business in Bacau, and consider ourselves a small business, although we are getting closer to a figure of two million euro in sales (turnover). This business is my parents’ third child. They have poured their souls into the services offered to clients, in choosing the products they sell, in having a relationship with coworkers and suppliers, and generally in everything they do. We desire to grow and promote ourselves more, and that was the reason why we needed a change in our image. For two years we had chosen the easy way out and had searched for a “logo” with different specialists or graphic designers, all to no avail. After two years and exhausted, we decided to look for a real specialist, an agency with several people on staff, not just a graphic designer to work with, and we chose INOVEO because their website caught our eye – they promoted branding solutions for entrepreneurs.

Modest and shy like small children, and without telling our parents, we had a first meeting with some of the INOVEO team, in an innovative and friendly atmosphere, with nice and relaxed people willing to help us no matter what the size of our company. After we returned home, we sent our brief to them and convinced one of the co-founders, our mother, to come with us to a second meeting, where their plan for our branding process and their offer was presented. The offer was around what I expected, perhaps a little higher, but I understood the process involved and that was one of the reasons we had dared to schedule a meeting with an agency. We discussed the offer and the offerings, and we succeeded in customizing it to our needs. Moreover, after all those previous frustrations, I felt the need to “warn” them beforehand that we are demanding people and require great attention to detail.

The branding process pleasantly surprised us from the start: “all people who have a say in the company have to be involved,” so the entire family participated in polishing our image and creating our long-desired logo. It was the first time when all four of us were truly involved in the process, at each stage, and it showed in the results. Dochita’s engagement is remarkable. In addition to being an expert in her field, she knows how to get closer to her clients and explain branding concepts even to people with limited experience, and helps uncover the vision each of us has. What I especially enjoyed was that she didn’t stop at helping us with the initial points, and when we found ourselves facing an impasse, she knew how to be there for us and help us with recommendations to find the spark we were searching for.
We all liked the final result. All four of us are different. My father is technical and looks at our company as you would look at an old, good quality wine. My mother is a romantic at heart, and sees it as something beautiful and special. My brother is the youngest and surprised me with his well-put-together vision, and I always had in mind a prosperous future and the higher grounds I wished for us to reach.

Maybe each of us allowed for small compromises, but most importantly, the final result satisfied all four of us and we are proud to present our clients with a clean, modern, daring, and professional image, and yet warm at the same time. Being a B2B business we have always believed we have to adopt a serious attitude, but what INOVEO has created is far from being too serious or too cold or too old. Moreover, it inspires me to communicate with our clients in a professional, but at the same time, relaxed and friendly manner.

Other testimonials



Adriana Buciuta

Chief Financial Officer

La trei luni dupa implementarea noului rebranding realizat de echipa INOVEO

Banca Nationala a Romaniei


Mirela Roman

Director de Comunicare si Relatii Publice

Colaborarea cu INOVEO pentru proiectul de rafinare a identitatii vizuale



Amalia Olaru

Marketing Director

Inca de la prima interactiune cu echipa INOVEO am avut o chimie perfecta

Alexandrion Group

Alexandrion Group

Nawaf Salameh

Chairman & Founding Owner

We first met with the INOVEO team in 2016. I remember the enthusiasm they brought to the table and their proactive approach made a strong impression on me.



Samy Numan

Managing Director And Founder

Working with INOVEO, and especially Dochita, has left a very positive impression on our organization.



Florin Enache


TEILOR is a true story which started two decades ago in Pitesti, on Teilor Street. A family business and local brand which succeeded in



Carmen-Daniela Micu

CEO & Board Member

We chose INOVEO for their structured method and approach, for their comprehensive and detailed offerings.



Radu Hanga

Envisia Stakeholder

I thought branding was a process which involves boys and girls from the agency getting together, drawing something, and then sending it to us.



Romeo Ghica

Operations Manager

Cand ceea ce cauti este creativitate si continut original, este foarte dificil sa iti conturezi specific cerintele.



Prof. Florina Mohanu

Marketing & Communication Director

It was a challenge for me to choose one particular agency from the multitude of highly competitive service providers in the market.



Ioana Goranescu

Marketing manager

Enthusiasm, passion, openness, and authenticity – all backed by solid experience and professionalism. We found all of these in the INOVEO team.

Good Noiz

Good Noiz

Bianca Olahut


Ma intreb cateodata cum descrii ceva MAGIC? Si functie de stare si moment gasesc raspunsuri de tot felul... Cateodata, asociez MAGIA cu un UNICORN.



Dan Mircescu

General Manager

In 2009, we chose to work with INOVEO, an enthusiastic and passionate team that loved marketing and was not afraid to create bold brands.



Simona Dumitrescu


Entuziasm, pasiune, deschidere si autenticitate dublate de experienta si profesionalism pe toate le-am gasit inglobate la echipa INOVEO.



Daniel Nicolae

Co-founder & Managing Partner

It will sound amusing, but I only started to really appreciate the need for branding after I created my 3rd company.



Daniela Bizgan


I started collaborating with INOVEO in May of 2019, when I was searching for a professional team to help us

Arctic Stream

Arctic Stream

Dragos Diaconu


We started our journey in rebranding without even knowing what branding is.



Gabriela Amza

Marketing Director

For me, the takeaway from interacting with INOVEO is an unwritten manual of good practices for client-provider interaction.



Leonard Georgescu

General Director

I am not really good with words, but let me put it this way – when the INOVEO team brought us ESHO



Nadia Maria Visan


I started my journey towards change with my foot on the brake, being still attached to the old visual identity

My Word Is

My Word Is

Ennifer Marinescu


My Word Is, ca multe alte proiecte antreprenoriale, a pornit de la un vis… apoi o idee… apoi o multime de idei care au schitat un business plan.



Paul Richard


Working with INOVEO for our branding was an interesting and enjoyable experience for us.

Cosma & Associates

Cosma & Associates

Romeo Cosma

Managing Partner

Before I had even met the INOVEO team, I was convinced that I was not going to work with an agency.



Dr. Lucian Ionescu


A brand starts with an idea, and every brand has a story behind it, or is a story in and of itself.



Daniela Manea


When Dochita asked me to write a paragraph for this testimonial, that was the first time she asked me: Why INOVEO?



Oana Nechita

Executive Director

When you start working with a company that boasts such an impressive portfolio, at first it might feel as if the team were made up of robots.



Mirela Ivascu


Our need for a coherent visual identity and a homogenous brand concept arose after being in business for 15 years.

Petra Patranoiu


Setting aside everything that means professionalism, structure, and efficiency

Website Iulian Filipov

Website Iulian Filipov

Iulian Filipov

Maxillofacial Surgeon

This was the third time I’ve collaborated with INOVEO on a project (the first one was in 2013)



Liana Chicos

General Manager

Having worked in marketing and advertising prior to meeting INOVEO, I thought I had it all planned out and that I could easily supervise the process.

Your brand wants to be INOVated?