Ovidiu Oltean
Ovidiu Oltean
Speaker & entrepreneur
We say more willingly because when we met Ovidiu and he asked us for a quote, he told us passionately about the symbols incorporated in his logo at the time. We immediately found a common language and we went on this beautiful journey.
We purchased Ovidiu’s services because we like to support courageous initiatives such as his. We killed two birds with one stone: (1) Our team learned from Ovidiu that any presentation has to be carefully prepared and there is no good speech without serious research behind it. Not to mention the tailored role-plays he prepared for us during which we had a lot of fun in our office from Dacia 30 at the time; and (2) This way we received and in-depth understanding of Ovidiu and what mattered most to him. Although he was an atypical client for us at the time, a one-man-show, a solopreneur, we embraced his request because we liked his enthusiasm and the passion he had for training, communication, workshops, and everything he wanted to build. The result was a minimalist route which represented him 100%. We stayed in touch with Ovidiu and although we are based in Bucharest and he is in Cluj, we follow him on Facebook and cheer him on in his projects. And we are glad that in some small way we are a part of the story of a determined and decisive Transylvanian. Sorry about repeating his name so often, but in this project, everything is with and about Ovidiu Oltean