Megagen Romania
Claudiu Chiru
Executive Director
Following discussions with the shareholders of Megagen, it had become clear that we needed to change the company’s way of communicating, the way we saw ourselves, and the way we related to our industry. We decided to take a bold step and become the first company in Romania to start an educational campaign about dental implants for patients in partnership with a number of dentists.
Our objective was to raise awareness about the need for information in our patients’ mind, and to make them aware of the necessity of improving oral hygiene. And to achieve this, the patient needs to approach the dentist!
Easy to say, but rather difficult to transform the idea into reality. We needed two lines of communication, one for the medical field where things are clear and rigorous, and the other for the beneficiary of the product and the medical procedure, that is, the patient.
This is where INOVEO came in …
After our initial discussions, it became clear that INOVEO’s professionalism would be up to the challenge. More conversations followed, focus groups with patients and doctors, internal workshops, training sessions, all of this in order to figure out the complexity of the message to be conveyed inside and outside of Megagen.
There were two creative routes in the beginning, and in choosing which one to follow in the end, we had to consider the way we approach communicating with doctors. And here I’m referring to both clarity and objectivity. This route was then divided into two lines of communication, one for medical personnel and the other for patients.
Due to the clarity of the message prepared by INOVEO, the decision was adopted quickly, the solutions matched the brief, and we continued with following stages. A video was made by a professional team that had been recommended by INOVEO, and the result can be seen in the quality of the TV commercial.
The final result met our expectations, and the action was well received both by doctors and patients! We are aware and grateful that working with INOVEO as a branding agency brought added value to Megagen, and we believe that as companies evolve, it is vital to pick trusted partners in order to get the desired results!
If INOVEO would not be in the same room, I would say only this: they are a trustworthy partner!