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Gazeta Sporturilor, the head of the Romanian sports newspapers, has decided to expand its portfolio of media products by launching a discount site, and the Seed Consultants* team has been chosen for branding, positioning and brand identity.


The high reputation and openness of consumers to the already established profile sites made the mission of positioning a new brand on this very difficult market. However, the Seed team would turn this brand into one of the most effervescent in a so crowded market.


After identifying consumer habits and the main competitors in this market, Seed Consultants* has initiated workshops with the Sporting Goods project team, based on which brand positioning has been articulated: “Your Amusement Park smart “. On a market where competition is intensely communicating on “irresistible cuts,” a niche has been identified for consumers who want ideas and offers for spending their free time, wishing to share their experiences with friends. The essence of the brand platform lies around the idea of ​​entertaining and group-buying, and the name Vulping, refers to sirence, intelligence, in a word a perfect, inspired, never-to-be-inspired choice. On a graphical level, the general concept of the British inspired logo can be described as representing the idea of ​​smart buying, a unique experience you experience when offering you surprising alternatives and irresistible leisure deals . Visual identity speaks in the colors of joy about the variety of options you have in the city to spend your leisure time and the speed of things happening in the amusement park. We have appealed to the British style of design by overlapping the geometric shapes of orange, ocher, magenta, grey, which merge and form the Vulping letters in a modern, tonic, playful and exciting tone. Since its inception, Vulping has had an impressive success, with the best-selling offer of a profile site in Romania.

*The name under which our branding agency operated between 2007 and 2015 was Seed Consultants. We are proud of our roots.






Analysis and audit

Brand platform

Visual identity


Brand implementation

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