Radio ZU
In a highly crowded market with well-known players, INTACT Media Group, the world’s largest press trust, has decided to launch a Contemporary Hit Radio (CHR) radio station. In this context, the idea of this business seemed very ambitious, although it attracted even the local talent from the audio market.
The Seed Consultants* team was designed to achieve the positioning, visual identity and branding of the brand. The high reputation and the listeners’ favorable attitude towards the already established radio brands made the mission of positioning a new brand on this very difficult market. However, the dynamism and enthusiasm of the newly formed radio team were strong indications for the Seed team that the project would turn into a successful brand.
Understanding the market, business and marketing goals, and especially the passion and close cooperation of the project team with the agency, helped the Seed Consultants* team to develop a brand platform aligned with the personality of the people to give life to this radio. The brand platform was created around the idea of interactivity, a radio that aims to resonate with the listeners, send and receive vibrations, feelings, living. Innovation, interactivity, spontaneity and ludic spirit are brand values reflected in the new visual identity of Radio ZU. The logo was built on the relationship between the listener and the brand as a collaboration, conversation, dialogue. Applications and visual territory have been developed in the same interactive and playful line. The built strategy was extremely effective and soon there was a strong emotional bond with the listeners and countless relevant brand associations for them. Radio ZU had an immediate success, only 8 months after its launch, becoming radio no. 1 Bucharest, a position which is still maintained.
*The name under which our branding agency operated between 2007 and 2015 was Seed Consultants. We are proud of our roots.