delivada logo portofoliu inoveo
delivada logo negativ portofoliu inoveo
delivada stand portofoliu inoveo
delivada signalistica portofoliu inoveo
delivada signalistica portofoliu inoveo
delivada outoor portofoliu inoveo
delivada promo portofoliu inoveo
delivada recipiente suc portofoliu inoveo
delivada suc natural portofoliu inoveo
delivada produs portofoliu inoveo
delivada site portofoliu inoveo


Descriere proiect

DeLivada este un business de familie din Foscani care produce, sorteaza si ambaleaza anual 2500 tone de fructe din livada de 45 de hectare in sistem olandez.
In urma procesului de audit, am stabilit pilonii in jurul carora graviteaza intregul concept al business-ului deLivada: alimentatia sanatoasa, grija pentru semeni, performanta si precizia procedeelor agricole, a standardelor de depozitare si de distributie.
Procesul de branding a fost desfasurat pe parcursul a 2 luni. Echipa care a participat la process a fost formata din: Dochita Zenoveiov, Ecaterina Gaman, Cristian Ghita, Valentin Ludu si Sabina Leonte.






Analysis and audit


Visual identity

Brand implementation

Online experience




Brand is the key element in a company’s development process. The website is the virtual interface and mirror of what your own business is.

Choosing collaborators to achieve and develop over time is a very important step. Choosing the team led by Dochita Z. was a very enjoyable experience for us. These people completed us where our competencies stopped. We have always been surprised by their innovative, creative, dynamic, ever-present spirit. I trusted them to approach them in the sense that they were involved in the brand building process, we trusted the proposed strategy, their vision and expertise. The result of this collaboration: a Romanian brand, built by Romanians for Romanians, which can be found nationwide in the hypermarkets Cora, Carrefour, Auchan and Kaufland. Thanks to the entire team for putting in your pictures and words our vision, passion and everyday work from Precistanu, Vrancea!

Brandul tau vrea sa fie INOVat?