Adrian Lotrean
Managing Partner
What is the branding process?
To me, the branding process is more than just about words and colors. It’s somehow the construction or the way our identity and personality are reflected in the brand we’re trying to build, in the image we’re trying to project to our clients, partners, and it’s a way for us to convey who we are simply by looking at or just hearing our name. In other words, we want people to see us as individuals by looking at the brand we’re building.
How do you see strategy and creativity in branding?
Behind this construction, generally, there is a lot of science, a lot of significance of the things that appear in that particular brand, which, generally, those who look at it often don’t see and often don’t understand. But in the consumer’s mind or in the client’s mind, things resonate without him being aware.
What advice do you have for entrepreneurs involving the team in the branding process?
Entrepreneurs lead a very lonely life and, generally, entrepreneurs in companies, although the world perceives them as very busy and often very annoyed, generally, what I have noticed is that they are quite lonely people and often end up being isolated in their own bubble and in their own ideas. So, I think it’s important to have a better perception and sense of reality for entrepreneurs to be very open to the messages coming from their organizations. I believe it greatly facilitates this openness to exist in companies so that people feel more attached and feel that their opinion matters and makes sense. And it matters a lot in gaining their trust to convey both positive and sometimes negative, less pleasant things to hear. To have this openness and this trust, this environment of trust between the entrepreneur and his team, I think is vital for the long-term success of an organization.
How do you choose a branding provider?
I believe that it is important in choosing the branding process for there to be very good communication between the respective entrepreneur and the team with whom he wants to build that particular brand. In order to reach the identity of the entrepreneur, his values transposed into that brand, I think there needs to be a lot of communication, good communication, and a lot of connection between the ideas and the understanding of the ideas that the entrepreneur has and the branding company. So, they should look for a company with which they have chemistry, with people who somehow understand the values and can transpose them into a brand. I think these are important elements in choosing a branding company. And then, I think the creativity of the people in the branding company is very, very important for that project to be a successful one.
How was INOVEO throughout the branding process?
I think INOVEO did very well. They guided us in the process of selecting between the two routes that suit us best. The way we understood what lies behind the construction of that brand and how the values we express are reflected in branding, helped us a lot in the selection process.